Sunday, April 28, 2024, brought a flurry of celebrity news from around the world. From Miranda Lambert debuting new music at Stagecoach to Dan Rather making his first return to CBS News in 18 years, there was no shortage of headlines.
In the world of music, Lambert wowed the Stagecoach festival crowd with a whimsical western-wear look and new tracks from her upcoming album. Meanwhile, Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright turned heads on the red carpet at the 2024 White House Correspondents Dinner.
On the TV front, Dan Rather made his first appearance on CBS News in 18 years, contributing to a "60 Minutes" segment about the history of the correspondents dinner. The iconic newsman left CBS in 2006 after a controversy over a story about President George W. Bush's military service.
For the latest updates on these stories and more, keep an eye on Us Magazine, TIME, CBS News, and
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